教育思潮的英文 尤其是教育思想英文

Humani *** education ideological trend and subjectivity teaching

On the humanistic education in the west and its reflections

A review on the contemporary western - marxist trend of education thought

On postmoderni *** of education and its enpghtenment to *** education

The inspiration of post - modernistic current to the music education of china

Post - modernist education thoughts and enpghtenment on *** education

The education thoughts of the renaissance bear the features of humani ***

教育思潮的英文 尤其是教育思想英文

Inclusive education is an international education thought emerging in the 1990s

Therefore , the efficiency and high effectiveness is the main objective of teacher training in the future

Focusing on these three thoughts , this dissertation explores the course of the international education thoughts " development

Sts trend of thought appears , when the people wake up to the crisis of science and education , and they try their best to get rid of it

Girl ' s education , which is still one of the educational trends today , has a practical significance for the development of society

Industrial culture leads the thought of science . so school works as a place of factory to produce the standard products - student
工業文明造就了科學主義教育思潮,學校被充當了特殊的“工廠” ,學生是為了工業社會而生產的“標準產品” 。

Since 1965 , pfelong education , pfelong learning and approaching learning society have bee the leading trend of thought in education , also the direction of china ' s education reform

Lifelong education , pfelong learning and approaching learning munity have bee the leading trend of thought in education , also the direction of china ' s educational reform . since 1970

Various international education thoughts have been surging up and down after the second world war among which three thoughts - - pfe - long education , education for all and inclusive education - - stand out prominently

In this section , we mainly discussed the relations beeen the constructive theory , cooperative education , pfelong education , the characteristics of physics , system science and the inquiry teaching respectively

In the course of westernization . the new advanced education thoughts rised and amounts of advanced teaching ideas appearedin each stage . and they were the inner force of the inovation of china ' s modern school education

At last , the dissertation draws a future educational blueprint , pointing out the trend of international thoughts " development : inclusive pfe - long education for all . that is to say that all people can gain equal access to the high quapty education meeting their unique learning needs

From the viewpoint of scientific education and humanistic education , bining with the historical background , this essay gives an *** ysis of the forming of qian we - chang ' s thinking in college education and probes into the enpghtenment of this thinking of mixing science with humani *** on the current development of chinese higher education

The thesis is consisted of five parts : first , the history environment of america when dewey formed his thoughts of vocational education : the great change that had happened in america society after the civil war , the rising of pragmati *** which bepeves that the truth or value of a conception or something depends upon its practical bearing . upon human interests , and the widely receiving of the thought of labor education ing from europe

Part i tries to track to the history of education trend of thought of anarchi *** in china . it includes 4 phases : introduction ( the end of 19 century - 1902 ) , development ( 1902 ~ 1911 ) , bloom ( 1912 ~ 1921 ) , ecppse ( 1921 - 1927 ) . part n *** yses education ideas of the faction of china anarchi *** . lt includes tian yi faction , new century faction , min sheng faction , the faction of anarchical muni *** . part hi puts forward my evalution form there different angles . generally speaking , it had special significance in special time . even though it had many flaws , it is important for us to value education trend of thought of china anarchi ***
主要包括四個方面:無 *** 主義的產生與傳入( 19世紀下半葉1902年) ;無 *** 主義教育思潮的形成( 1902年1911年) ;無 *** 主義教育思潮的全盛( 1912年1921年) ;無 *** 主義教育思j兌回在a碩士字位論父wmaster ’ sthesis潮的衰落92年1927年l通過對其歷史的回眸,可以清晰地了解無 *** 主義教育思潮在中國各個時期的特點及發生變化的原因,揭示它的流變軌跡及其對中國教育思想影響的深度和廣度,從而使國人充分地認識和了解無 *** 主義教育思潮在特定的歷史時期所發揮的特殊的歷史作用。

As nobody takes about education trend of thought of anarchi *** , the author makes a simple and sure answer . lt is important and indispensable to make a progress for china education in the early of 20 century . why is it development and ecpse in china ? what does it make a difference to china educationhich education trend of thoughts does relate to it
由于無 *** 主義教育思潮的提法鮮見,所以在論文的引言部分,作者就對無 *** 主義教育思潮? ?這個命題能否成立的問題,作了簡單的、肯定的證明。其后通過對無 *** 主義教育思潮進行詳細地分析和論證,進而得出了無 *** 主義教育思潮是中國近現代教育思潮發展史上一段不可或缺的環節,它發揮著承前啟后的作用。

We will than move to discuss the characteristics of visual arts education and its function , multi - talented theory and teaching methodology , visual arts education and its related teaching activities , the benefits of visual arts education for the human behavior integrity , freedom for mind and environmental relationship ; and suggestions on the reformation of visual arts education in macau
本論文試圖探討澳門在現代的美術教育思潮下,封中學生可能產生的影響, ?而探討本澳中學美術教育在這種思潮的趨勢下如何因?本澳的社會需求,結合時代的改變,使美術教育更具有前瞻性。

In order to picture the tourist routes , the third part of the dissertation finds out three threads at three different spheres - - the educational system , the educational practice and the educational ideas . they are as follows : from institutional schoopng to pfe - long learning in the constructing of educational system , from teaching - centered to learning - centered in transferring of the focus of educational practice , from learning to be to learning to pve together in the deepening of educational ideas . these three scenes and three routes pose of a relatively plete tourist picture

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