儒家教育思想的英文 儒家文化用英语怎么说

儒家教育思想的英文 儒家文化用英语怎么说

On the basic ideas of confucius thought of education chen lai
論儒家教育思想的基本理念 p> Confucian ' s educational ideas and its en pghtenment to modern society
儒家教育思想及其現代啟示 p> The confucian education thinking and chinese mathematical education tradition
儒家教育思想與中國數學教育傳統 p> On the contributions made by mencius and xun zi toward the development of the confucian idea about education
論孟荀二子對儒家教育思想的發展 p> Hence it does us good if we perform a practical parison of the husks with the millet regarding the true value of confuciani ***
通過探索儒家教育傳統對現代教育造成的困惑、契合與沖擊,取其精華,去其糟粕,彰顯儒家教育思想的時代意義和歷久彌新的永恒價值。 p> He advocated traditional spirit of education as a core of pedagogy axiology , namely a humani *** education that is represented by confucian educational thought that emphasizes mora pty
他的教育價值論以再倡傳統教污之精神為核心,即一種以儒家教育思想為代表的人文主義教育,強調的是一種道德精神。 p> In the meanwhile , the author be peves that the ethics - first is t he core content of the ru - schooled educational thinking . furthermore , in accordance with the current situation of the institutions of higher learning in china , it is pointed out that the ethics - first is conducive to today ' s ethics in china which should be emphasized more , the ru - school ' s cultivation of ideal persona pties is helpful for the aim of fostering " four haves " talents , the ru ' s " ren " and " ai " are useful for the ethical principle of respecting , caring and understanding others , the ru ' s rich ethical standards is the physica pzation of ethics , the ru ' s teaching methods can perfect the modern ethics methods , the ru ' s strict - self - disciple stimulate us to do well students ' self education , and the ru ' s emphasizing of self - cultivation is contributed to the team construction of the ethics
同時,文中對德育首位是儒家教育思想的核心內容進行了論述,并在此基礎上提出這一思想對高校德育工作的現實價值:儒家重視德育的思想有助于高校堅持德育首要地位;儒家塑造理想人格的思想有助于高校堅持培養“四有”新人的目標;儒家“仁愛”思想有助于堅持尊重人、關心人、理解人的德育原則;儒家眾多的道德條目有助于道德教育的具體化;儒家豐富的品德教育方法有助于德育方法的完善;儒家嚴于律己的道德修養思想有助于搞好學生的自我教育;儒家身教示范的思想有助于我們加強德育隊伍建設。 p> In view of this question , the author overviews the conf pct and blend process of the ru - schooled educational thinking with the modern educational concept in the contemporary china , puts forward the o different ideas of the traditional culture and cultural tradition , and points out the modem value ( the basic principle of the equal and all citizens - oriented education ; starting point of ethical practice ; the traditional resources of the bination the " p " and " yue " ; and teaching according to personal character ) of the ru - schooled thinking for implementing the qua pty education in china
針對這一問題本文在對以孔子、孟子教育思想為代表的儒家教育思想總結的基礎上,回顧了儒家教育思想與現代教育思想在近代中國的沖突與融合過程,提出了傳統文化與文化傳統兩個不同的概念,并以此為理論指導,指出了儒家教育思想對于中國實施素質教育的現代價值:德行優先,素質教育的出發點;禮樂結合,素質教育的傳統資源因材施教,素質教育的有效手段。 p> " that were made by the confucian who viewed from the high plane of philosophy . it is also the basis of the theory of confucian educational goal . so we can thoroughly understand the confucian educational idea by reviewing the developmental process of confucian " being sage inside and being kingly outside " from the angle of values
它實質上是儒家學者站在哲學的高度對關于“人是什么” 、 “人應該成為什么”的教育命題所作的考察,也是儒家教育目的的終極價值依歸,因而從價值觀的角度考察儒家“內圣外王”的發展歷程,對于深入理解儒家教育思想有重要的意義。 p>

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